1.    Your Responsibilities: It is important that you carefully review the course information provided in this brochure before submitting any registrations. When selecting a training program, it is essential that the objectives of the course meet your organizational needs and the training requirements of the individuals involved. Failure to identify these needs could result in inappropriate course selection. To assist you in making the right decision, we recommend you telephone or email your Local International Standards Certifications for advice.
2.    Unscheduled Training Courses: Our courses are so popular that we frequently run unscheduled programs to cater for additional demand. If the schedule is not suitable, please contact our local office about a more convenient course.
3.    Accommodation Arrangements: While we do not arrange hotel accommodation as such, most of our venues offer accommodation or have accommodation nearby. When making your booking, please let TNV staff know that you need this facility and we can advise you a suitable hotel close to the training venue.
4.    Payment of fees: Course fees are to be paid prior to course commencement.
A registration is deemed confirmed upon full receipt of payment.
Confirming your place within a training event can only be completed upon full payment. Should a training course exceed its quota, priority will be given to all delegates who have paid in full. Should a registered participant attend a course without payment prior to the course commencement, course results and certificate will be withheld until full payment is received.
5.    Mode of Payment: Payment can be made by the three following methods:
a.     Cheque: Cheques should be made payable and mailed to: TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd. 537-B/187-B, Amber Vihar, Near Central Bank of India, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20 UP India. Or may be deposited to the local office and receipt must be obtained with signature and stamp.
b.    Electronic Funds Transfer: fund may be transferred to bank in the name of TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd. and send the payment confirmation by writing a mail to info@isondia.org
Account number 032505005852,
Bank Name: ICICI Bank, Aliganj Branc, Lucknow
c.     Payment to Local Office: Select a training course with the local office and confirm your training schedule and proceed to make the payment to the local partner by account payee cheque and take receipt of the same.
6.    Course Cancelled By TNV: Should a scheduled course be postponed by TNV, then TNV will provide all registered participants with no less than 5 working days notice prior to course commencement wherever possible. If payment has been made and credited to the TNV and TNV cancels the course, delegates are entiled to either of the following:
a.     A full refund paid within 7 days after receipt of the bank details and request from the participants.
b.    A training credit issued for future training courses by yourself or anyone within your organisation (Training Credit must be redeemed within 12 months of issue)
7.    Participant Cancellations: Participants wishing to cancel their course registration must provide no less then 10 working days notification prior to course commencement. If payment has been made and a participant cancels their registration, delegates are entitled to the following:
a.     10 days or more from training course date: All payments made will be fully refunded less a 5% processing fee.
b.    Less than 10 days from training course date: The full amount is payable, a substitute participant is welcome to attend at no additional cost.
8.    Issuance of Certificates: TNV provides an electronic copy of the certificate – PDF Version, a printed copy of the certificate may be requested. A participant requiring a reprint of a course certificate may request so in writing stating the circumstances leading to their request. Duplicate certificates for courses conducted less than 6 months prior to course completion will be issued free of charge within India only. Certificates dating further than 6 months from date of completion will incur USD 20.00 plus actual courier charges and taxes extra as per Government prevailing rate.
9.    Authorization for Release of Information: TNV will make recommendations to Exemplar Global of those graduates who have met the required competency standards for Provisional grade certification in Exemplar Global personnel certification scheme. TNV will not disclose the graduate’s/ candidate‘s information to a third party, including graduate’s/candidate’s employer without the written consent of the graduate/candidate. In this regard participants are requested to authorize TNV P/L for release of information by completing and submitting the form.
10. Re-assessment: Where a candidate is deemed ‘not yet competent’ or unsuccessful to score the qualifying score in one or more elements of the course, they are offered additional training and examination that suit the individual needs of the candidate. This process will incur an additional fee and will be advised at time of inquiry.
11. Appeals: A TNV Candidate may appeal against any TNV certification decision. Notification of intent to appeal must be made in writing and received by the CEO TNV within seven days of receipt of decision on certification. Please forward all appeals to: TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd. 537-B/187-B, Amber Vihar, Near Central Bank of India, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20 UP India
a.     The CEO will, unless involved directly, try to resolve the appeal in a fair and just manner. If required, Exemplar Global will be involved for resolution of complaint and appeal.
b.    TNV will notify each complainant or appellant in writing of the result of any complaint or appeal submitted and of the right to appeal against the result to Exemplar Global.
12. Formal Complaints: TNV would be grateful to anyone who takes the time to express their opinion about any aspect of TNV activities. In doing so, you provide us with the opportunity to improve our services. In the event of a complaint, it should be made in writing and addressed to the CEO TNV and should be posted to
TNV Certification Pvt. Ltd. 537-B/187-B, Amber Vihar, Near Central Bank of India, Keshav Nagar, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-20 UP India Mail: info@isoindia.org by registered / acknowledged post only. Complainant shall provide following information to consider the complaint: A Complaint shall:
a.     be submitted in writing on the Complaints Form via the Exemplar Global online Portal Complaints system;
b.     (if a complaint is received otherwise than via the Exemplar Global Online Portal Complaints system or by way of a completed Complaints Form), be referred back to the complainant for submission of the Complaint in accordance with this Complaints Procedure;
c.     Be submitted within 30 days after the conduct which gave rise to the Complaint is alleged to have occurred;
d.     disclose the name, address and other contact details of the Complainant;
e.     Clearly state the nature and circumstances of the Complaint;
f.      Identify the provisions of the Customer Charter or Code of Conduct [or Criteria, Procedures, Advisories and other terms of Exemplar Global programs] which are alleged to have been breached;
g.     have attached to it, such evidence and submissions as the Complainant relies on support of their Complaint; and
h.    Disclose the names, addresses and other contact details of persons whose evidence will be relied on by the Complainant.
13. Notification of Parties:
a.     The Global Sales and Marketing Manager will notify the Parties in writing of the Determination and the Sanction imposed, and internal Corrective Action, if any.
b.    The Global Sales and Marketing Manager will notify the Parties of their rights to Appeal the Determination in accordance with the Exemplar Global Appeals Procedure.
c.     A person upon whom a Sanction is imposed following a Determination of a Complaint has a right of Appeal in accordance with the Disciplinary Procedure.
d.    The Parties will have 14 days from the date of notification of the Determination to lodge an Appeal against the Determination, the Complaint or the Sanction
14. Conditions of complaints to EG:
a.     Alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct (or Criteria, Procedures, Advisories and other terms of Exemplar Global programs);
b.    Performance and/or conduct of Exemplar Global, against the Exemplar Global Customer Charter;
c.     Conduct of Exemplar Global certified persons or training providers who act or fail to act in the course of their professional activities in compliance with the Code of Conduct (or Criteria, Procedures, Advisories and other terms of Exemplar Global programs);
d.    Failing to observe the Code of Conduct (or Criteria, Procedures, Advisories and other terms of Exemplar Global programs), whether intentionally or unintentionally; and
e.     Failure to comply with the Exemplar Global Criteria, Procedures, Advisories and other terms of Exemplar Global programs.