A traceability system allows an organization to document and / or to locate a product through the stages and operations involved in the manufacture, processing, distribution and handling of feed and food, from primary production to consumption. It can therefore facilitate the identification of the cause of nonconformity of a product, and improve the ability to withdraw or recall such product if necessary and prevent unsafe products from reaching the customers.
The International Organization for Standardization defines traceability as:
“Ability to follow the movement of a feed or food through specified stage(s) of production, processing and distributionâ€
ISO 22005:2007 comprehensively explains the principles and requirements for the design and implementation of a feed and food traceability system. This standard allows organizations operating at any step of the food chain to:
Trace the flow of materials (feed, food, their ingredients and packaging);
Identify necessary documentation and tracking for each stage of production;
Ensure adequate coordination between the different actors involved;
Improve communication among the involved parties, and most importantly;
Improve the appropriate use and reliability of information, effectiveness and productivity of the organization.
Implementation of effective traceability systems improves the ability to implement verifiable safety and quality compliance programs. The resulting visibility of relevant information enables businesses to better manage risks and allows for quick reaction to emergencies, recalls, and withdrawals. Effective traceability systems significantly reduce response times when an animal or a plant disease outbreak occurs, by providing more rapid access to relevant and reliable information that helps determine the source and location of implicated products.
Moreover, traceability allows targeted withdrawals and the provision of accurate information to the public, thereby minimising disruption to trade. Traceability can reduce the scope of the recall by between 50% and even up to 95% in some cases. This reduces the amount of product that would have been wasted in the absence of the requisite traceability systems.
IF traceability systems applied correctly, with supporting information and communications technologies, it will enable businesses to monitor and defend against risk in real time. It also enables businesses to make more informed management decisions, leading to increased market penetration, and reduced operating costs.
Visibility of information provided by traceability systems enables businesses to utilize their resources and processes more effectively and efficiently and increase their long-term profitability. Correctly implemented, traceability can reduce out-ofdate product losses, lower inventory levels, quicken the identification of process and supplier difficulties, and raise the effectiveness of logistics and distribution operations.
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