A renewal audit describes an audit conducted at the end of a
certification cycle before the linked certificate expires. The aim is to verify
compliance with the requirements applicable at the time, and to determine
whether certification can be renewed. In other words the process of
recertification would include a reassessment of the organization’s documented
quality management system including a review of the Management System, where
necessary, to be conducted before the expiry of three years term of validity. The
process of renewal would include a reassessment of the organization’s
documented quality management system including a review of the Management
System, where necessary, to be conducted before the expiry of the three year
term of validity. The renewal audits planned and conducted to evaluate the
continued fulfillment of all of the requirements of the relevant management
system standard or other normative document. The Renewal audit plan is verified
to ensure that the majority of the audit time is given to verify the effective
implementation of the management system in the locations where the
organization’s activities. The reassessment provides for a review of the past
performance of the quality management system over the period of previous
certification, including examination of the documents/records relating to the
internal audits, management review and effectiveness of corrective actions,
etc. It is the responsibility of the person assigned to conduct the
Reassessment and submit the report.
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